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1‚]  3Q‹ ; i 3•Y *1_1 1R .1 ››1 „2 1 ‚ g j5 _ ‚ 024000 2  aE j5_  a 024200 K1 ‚] 3 T/Q‹ ; i1 3•YTbYV4 ; i i ar ›M[ i 3 R 3 f ƒa**TaT L s a† ‚ u‹ 3 bV Q‹‚] Q‹ 4r ›T‚] Wi vY Q‹ db CO2i HWwM7† O rž 1000ppm [  Ws A CQ‹9rm A *  1v9F 60P 60   W1v9F 20-42.399 lrmAbQ‹ i  R1\ 3 ]a4* 7„ l Tb 1oM v’ 3Q‹ * ƒŸ Effects of Straw Stalk Bio-reactor of Different Microbial Strains on Production of Greenhouse YUE Ling1, WEI Xingdong1,JIN Yurong1, GUO Junxiu1, SUN Weiwei1, LI Chunfeng2 1. Station of Agricultural Diversified Business and Management, Chifeng Agriculture Bureau, Chifeng City, 024000, China; 2. Station of Agricultural Diversified Business and Management, Ningcheng County Agriculture Bureau, Ningcheng County, 024000, China Abstract The effects of straw stalk bio-reactor technique of different microbial strains on greenhouse cultivation in winter are studied in this paper. Changes of soil temperature and carbon dioxide in the greenhouse, the growth stages, first flower and fruit date, yield of squashes are investigated and analysed. And one or some better microbial strains are selected for applied in our region. Results shows that straw stalk reactor reactors of different strains have increased the role of soil temperature, there is a big difference between different strains. Release of carbon dioxide decreases in time, all of bio-reactors carbon dioxide can reach to 1000ppm, however, the significant differences between each treatment. Yield is increased for over 60 than CK in 15 days in all bio-reactors, 20-42.3 differences morn than CK between different treatments. Bio-reactor applied in squash cultivation in greenhouse can improve soil temperature, increase carbon dioxide, and a great promotion in growth, advanced in flower and fruit stages, significant increase in production. Keywords vegetable science, straw stalk bio-reactor, early maturity [ “  j  S7[ “ cxjj20082130106 T€e _ 3 V j\ b E- 2 M Ÿ 1 u jZ  V 2000 M y Z H  M9 0.4 hm2 [1]  2010 M9 9Fž 120  ‚ gr 66 b “ jy v Z  MQ8†TC“ 3p[2]  Zv ” u ; i 3r ›„ i X1y ] H    i9•Y“T “S LC[3]b jTcv a‹aaK„   j 31gB[4] jTB/ ŒvB žW‹[5-6]b   3T/Q‹/ Œ‹[7]v 4r ›s  r › Ÿ\T 39  Fh 4T  p„4r ›[8]b4 “ - g nQ‹ „‹Q‹ ; i•Y[ T 3r‹b 1 ‹ ZE 1.1 k‹  TES Rb 1.2  k  „ iI| k‚ g aE ; i[ “ ub 1.3 k 9 k i„g f ƒM]BW5 BbQ‹y/z  70cm25cm8m  2009 M12y/›8b  P  V 1 U –  š 120›v    15001 A Q‹Kr  I I 30cmb  i   5 Ia 2 T › – k i L  f ƒ 43 l u l u 4 BT4b4T „ ‚] i  R 3 f ƒ “aYaW„ – 4 “S k i b „M A|1 cN  i 1.5m  4‚] r ›|1 cNhsY r ›V/ 10cm„ 25cmb V k  “S i f ƒ1.4 N  0a aj 9a Telaire 7001˜N„ HOBO V cNb 2 Ts 2.1 ‚] Q‹ ; ir ›•Y 3Q‹s Ÿ ‚] ŸsYVQ‹ r‹8C Ÿ k3‚]r › r ›V / 10cm „ 25cm r › 10cm “r 25cm Q‹V € Ÿ Q‹4r ›•YbV‚]zQ‹ „Kv V[ A 1 z/ k i  2-3WKv v S3aN1 „ N2 rž 4M  S1 „ S2b2 z †7Kv9F Q‹ A9r‹ Q‹•Y  A MaN1aN2„ S3b 2.2 ‚] Q‹ ; i •Y    R 31 p ; i L f ƒ‚Y„† † Ay7 i “v  8Œ  ’4Q‹ db f ƒ k | i* -i  ib “ HWM k i i  i9M‹† Œ CK i  9Fƒ 1  i  R 3 f ƒisYT A N1  i  l Q S2   iW9isŒ  CK W VC  ] S3M  S1   i RWs‚ “ A   RB/  – CK  i R ] A   Q‹ i R ]V L4CQ‹ R  ]M’ CK 10 ]b 2.4 ‚] Q‹ RT L•Y ‚]  3Q‹•Y/ RBQ qx HW„T L* ƒ ” f ƒVV 3 c f ƒ V[ AQ‹v iž 71 537T L ƒ 70  Q‹‚]4* 7„T L ƒ4 -Ÿ VCA “S i N1 „ N2sY4 - 10-11 7„ 16-17 l  i MS3aS2 „ S1W RT L {sŒ A*Q‹ CK ib V 3 ‚] Q‹ RT L•Y 2.5 ‚] Q‹ R •Y YV[l u†|l u 6 RT L9 sY9  i †T ”„ †4T –[N9 S  9  667m2 i ’ H g R lN - 15 N 2.4/kg60 N 1.52/kg9 ‚]Q‹ R Lb YV9 žV 4 ”  -   V[T\* ƒS -  „ 1  MaS3„ N1sY CK9F 63.79a62.44„ 61.09 Lrž 2300[   GQN2aS2 „ S1sY9 59.75a59.42„ 57.407 OA  CK   800 Pb60   9F  A  6Q‹ k i   rž 6000-7000kgS3aN1aMaN2aS2aS1 sY1 CK 99F 42.3a42.0a38.9a37.1a34.6„ 20 lN ‹ y9 A/†b V 4 ‚] Q‹ R •Y 3  ‚  kT V[ ’ k  BrTŒ  T/Q‹Wi As   kQ‹ i i y0•Y f ƒ„ ksTVBz/ 7 S V[ Q‹ ir › 4 2-3K r 4  3z  A 6BW5 1[ e ” s•Y v[‚S  iM HWwM7v†Œ  k W rž 1000ppm[ 8†Q‹r ›•Y V[Q‹rQ‹ HW  40-50r  80-90  R 3 ]„T LT[1 Q‹ i  R14 3 ]„9FT L T*   CK 9F 60P l 60  1 CK9F 20-42.39rm A v R  ‚K HW Vr 200 Q‹9  409 B›œ 31 RB   V[rž 21000kgbN Vnrm Es V4b8†[ y  kQ‹  V[‹ž 3 ‹rT A N1aM „ N2 k 1 A S3  S2 „ S1  krTM‚   b • ID [1]    C  . 1 uZ j I [J].  jv , 2007, 283 309-312. [2] f , B ,   . v’r ›  š|„/ ŒZ [J]. ZŒYv [J]. 2008, 265 369-372. [3]  Ÿ . S ; iZC - .  jv [J]. 2005, 362 131-138. [4] d‹ . r ›g  [M] .  S jv, 2002 292-294. [5]  X .  B g 8  [J].  S , 2004, 123 106-108. [6]  , ’ , ”  . B j 3 “d„T 3•Y [J]. r ›Y , 2001, 325 209-213. [7] Rˆ . B ; i 3•Y [J]. S jY 20082412 372-375. [8] I f  . BT „r ›g •Y [J].  j S 2008, 472 169-171.  3 I f3


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